Programme for Ages 4-5
- Make connections between literature and own life
- Develop phonological awareness
- Identify some sound-symbol correspondences (alphabetic principle)
- Explore characters in books using varied language
- Experience a range of genres, including narrative, informational, poetry
- Encounter new and unusual vocabulary
- Discuss how pictures convey meaning (visual literacy)
- Develop numeracy concepts through engagement with literature
What to expect
- Understand that print conveys meaning
- Begin to connect written letter with corresponding speech sound
- May write own name using mixture of upper and lower case letters
- Enjoy talking about picture books during shared reading
- Make connections between stories and own life
- Enjoy more detailed narratives and longer stories
- May have a particular interest eg trains and want as many books as possible about that topic
- Pretend to read to dolls and toys
- “Read” whole books from memory
- Act out scenes from popular TV shows
- Copy print and pictures from environmental signs, boxes, etc
- Produce nonsense rhymes and other language play
- Sing jingles from TV advertisements
Notes for parents: how you can help your child learn about reading
- Talk to your child
- During everyday activities, explain what you are doing and why
- Answer your child’s questions, or help them find out the answer themselves
- Always ensure that reading is an enjoyable and entertaining experience
- Ask child to make lists, write greeting cards
- Minimal TV and computer games
- Never have the TV on in the background
- Point out print when you are out and about
- Play word and matching games like Go Fish, Dominoes, I Spy
- Go on outings: discuss before, during and after the outing
- When reading together, allow your child to talk during the reading as much as they like
- When cooking, follow the recipe together
- Read out directions when putting things together or using appliances etc
- Buy books for presents
- Talk about books with enthusiasm and passion
- Let your child see you reading and writing often and for many purposes
- Respond to the meaning of their early writing efforts, don’t correct
- If child asks how to write a word, show them
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